If you believe you are the subject of discrimination in the workplace we recommend having a chat with Parke Lawyers to discuss your options. All employees have a right to be treated fairly at work and it is the employers responsibility to ensure this.

Discrimination occurs in the workplace when an individual or group of workers are treated less favourably than others because of certain characteristics or traits. These can include unfair treatment because of:

  • race, including skin colour or origin
  • sex
  • age
  • marital status
  • sexual orientation or
  • disability

Harassment in the workplace

Staff are also entitled to a harassment-free environment as they go about their day to day duties.  It can take a number of forms including:

  • insulting and insensitive jokes about certain racial groups
  • offensive or pornographic material (either hard copies or on computers)
  • derogatory comments or taunts about a person
  • sending explicit or sexually suggestive emails or text messages
  • inappropriate questions about a colleagues’ personal life

discrimination and harassment in workplace

Where the work performance of an employee does not meet a satisfactory standard, an appropriate process of investigation and corrective action must be taken. The action taken must conform to applicable legislation and accord with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness.

At Parke Lawyers our employment lawyers regularly provide advice to employers to ensure a fair and effective system exists for managing unsatisfactory work performance and allegations of unacceptable conduct or workplace behaviour. In addition, we regularly conduct (or attend, as required) formal warnings and dismissals.

Your Employment Law Team

employment lawyer Jim Parke
Jim Parke
Julian McIntyre
Noah Briggs

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